We’re happy to announce a beta update is rolling out today. The update includes improvements to the web application as well as both the iOS and Android smartphone apps. Please be sure to update your smartphone app to take advantage of the new features. This beta update is live at play.vorpalboard.com now.
Menu System Update
We have updated the way the context menu works to be easier and clearer. You can now hover on sub menu items and they will automatically appear to the right of the main menu. This replaces the UI were submenus expanded within the main menu itself on click. We hope that this makes everything a bit snappier to interact with and will allow us to more easily group together actions logically.
Deck Renaming
With this beta update, you can now rename your decks from within the web app. All you will need to do is right click on a deck and then type whatever your heart desires at the top of the context menu. These updated names will be persisted in your saved games and sets.

Version Display in Phone Apps
The version number is now visible in both the smartphone apps to more easily check on what version you have installed. Additionally, version checking against the environment you are connecting to will now automatically happen and you will be notified if you need to update your smartphone app. To see the version code, you can simply click on the 3 lines (or “hamburger”) menu button in the top right corner to open the options popover. You will also see a checkbox to enable you to connect to the Beta server. This option will be used in the future and should be left unchecked for now.
As always, please join us in the Discord Server if you have any questions!